Child in a Car Seat
Car Seat Program
Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of death among children ages 1 to 19. 

4 out of 5 car seats are not used or installed correctly, so before you hit the road, have your seat checked for free by a certified child passenger safety technician. Certified technicians can help make sure your car seat is properly installed. They will teach you so that you can always be sure your car seat is used correctly.

Brown County Public Health partners with the Center for Childhood Safety. Assistance is available for families who are unable to purchase a car seat at full price. The Center for Childhood Safety has appointments available to get all children's car seats checked by Car Seat Technicians. This free service is available for all residents of Brown County.

A car seat check will ensure that your seat has not been recalled, that it is adjusted properly to fit your child, and that it fits securely into your vehicle.

Book a car seat check:
Center for Childhood Safety
2827 Ramada Way, Green Bay
(920) 272-0110
Book online here.

Getting ready to purchase a car seat?
You should only buy a used car seat if you know its full crash history. That means you must buy it from someone you know, not from a thrift store or over the Internet. Once a car seat has been in a crash, it needs to be replaced.

We know that when adults wear seat belts, kids wear seat belts. Be a good example and buckle up for every ride. Be sure everyone in the vehicle buckles up too. For more information on car seat safety, click here.